Design/Media: Nano

Design/Media: Nano (DMN)

DMN is a journalism and media project exploring the current and potential impact of nanotechnology and convergence for sustainability.

DMN products in development include:

  • Journalistic and new media production for several media outlets.
  • White papers on:

  • Workforce development, education and self-organization
  • Community based research and development convergence strategies
  • Distributed design and fabrication systems
  • Nanoacoustics
  • Documentary projects on convergence era leadership and transformation

These projects are being undertaken in partial fulfillment of National Science Foundation Nano-link funded programming.

Producing partners include Communicas, Open News Net, and Adena Institute, Design/Media initiative and others in formation.

Contact: David W. Silverman, dwsilverman AT, 502 509 4637

Credentialing: Open News Net

Adena/Open Video Picks

Dr. Cornell West - Expressions of You Amy Goodman's "Other AMerica - With Bill Moyers You are the Future of Philanthropy... Judy Wicks - Good Morning Beautiful Business Janine Benyus - Biomimicry in Action Alan Alda - Introduction to Nanoscience Murray Bookchin Speaks Out - Towards an Ecological Society